Experience the West Coast with Fangs and Feathers on this exciting birding day tour. A West Coast birding tour is the perfect extension to our Cape Peninsula or Rooiels tours.
Approximately one hour north of Cape Town lies the beautiful and avian rich Strandveld biome where we bird the West Coast National Park and Darling Hills. We also visit the Berg River Estuary and Vredenberg Peninsula to search for certain species like Cape Long-billed Lark at certain times of the year.
The birds seen on this tour are very different to those found on our other birding day tours. There is the added bonus of seeing some of the arid Karoo biome's species such as Karoo Lark, White-backed Mousebird and Chestnut-vented Titbabbler to name a few. August to October is usually the best time of the year to visit the area when birds are displayinga and the wildflowers are in bloom. The estuaries are shorebird magnets for Paleartic breeding migrants between November and April.
This tour requires an early start from Cape Town at approximately 06h30 and return between 17:00 -18:00. We also offer overnight stays in the area which ensures more species. Lunches are either "on the go" or we eat at convenient local resturants, depending on your personal requirements.
BOOK NOW to experience the West Coast!!
Target Birds: Lesser and Greater Flamingo, Verreaux Eagle, Chestnut-vented Titbabbler, Cape Penduline Tit, Karoo Lark, Large-billed Lark, African Rail, African Spoonbill, Black Harrier, African Marsh Harrier, Cape Weaver, Capped Wheatear, Blue Crane, Secretary Bird, Grey Tit, Grey-winged Francolin, Cape Spurfowl, Pearl-breasted Swallow, Yellow Canary, Bokmakierie, Karoo Scrub-Robin, Chestnut-banded Plover.
Mammals: Cape Eland, Cape Moutain Zebra, Bontebok, Greater Kudu, Steenbok, Common Duiker and if very luck a sighting of the elusive Caracal (Lynx/Rooikat).
Cost: R5000 for the individual with a surcharge of R500 per additional person.
Includes: Pick-up and drop-off at your accomodation, bottled water, vehicle, fuel and an expert bird guide.
Excludes: Meals, entrance fees, accomodation and items of a personal nature.
The secretive African Rail is often seen on this tour!